Friday, July 15, 2005

Paul Johnson Observes the Darwinian Fundamentalist Phenomenon

Eminent historian Paul Johnson agrees with the basic focus of this blog and recognizes the Darwinian fundamentalist phenomenon in a column in Forbes:
Of all the fundamentalist groups at large in the world today, the Darwinians seem to me the most objectionable. They are just as strident and closed to argument as Christian or Muslim fundamentalists, but unlike those two groups the Darwinians enjoy intellectual respectability.
When will the mainstream media pick up on the fact that the roles have changed in the current evolution debates? The supporters of Darwinian theory show many of the characteristics of religious fundamentalists, and the critics of the theory are not appealing to scripture or religion, but are basing their arguments on scientific evidence. The Darwinists are lobbying for a "Darwin only" doctrine in public schools and want to ban any consideration of the weaknesses of the theory. The critics are actually lobbying for more teaching on evolution-- exposing students to the evidence for evolution and the evidence against and encouraging them to think critically and analyze the evidence for themselves.


At September 10, 2005 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This link has an interesting spin on Darwin-only.
Well worth remembering...

At November 14, 2009 4:30 PM, Anonymous cat-nap said...

"score one for the atheists"

Who's counting? either macro-evolution is true or it's not. (It's not!)


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