Sunday, November 06, 2005

The End of Dover

The Discovery Institute blog has an enlightening post about the relationship of that organization to the trial in Dover, and its relationship to counsel at the Thomas More Law Center. Legislators, school boards and others would be well advised to aim for a policy consistent with theirs, and not the policy of the Dover school board. The states of Ohio and Minnesota have done so, and I am not aware of any legal challenges to these policies:

Discovery Institute's science education policy has been consistent and clear. We strongly believe that teaching about intelligent design is constitutionally permissible, but we think mandatory inclusion of intelligent design in public school curricula is ill-advised. Instead, we recommend that schools require only that the scientific evidence for and against neo-Darwinism be taught, while not infringing on the academic freedom of teachers to present appropriate information about intelligent design if they choose.

The Washington Post has a final article on the close of the Dover trial here, and an article on the upcoming vote in Kansas here.


At November 06, 2005 11:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You state in your description of yourself:
"Then I looked at the evidence. It became clear to me that macroevolutionary theory is built more on a priori philosophical assumptions than on evidence. "

What EXACTLY have you done to "look at the evidence"? Have you read Origin of the Species? Have you read any textbook on evolutionary biology? Have you done a PubMed search on "evolution" and read any of the articles there?

At November 07, 2005 9:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha the DI changing the goalposts again in face of a total and complete loss on every front.

Its great to see how the DI stab people in the back hopefullly no other school board will be stupid enough to fall for their lies now.


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